(304) 260-0600
Week 1 - nov. 19th - Cereal drive


Please join us in bringing bags of cereal that are no bigger than 15 oz so they can be discretely packed in students school backpacks, and sent home with them during the winter break. The Berkeley County Backpack Program’s focus is feeding hungry students in our community.

Week 2 - nov. 26th - Toy drive


We will be collecting toys and games for local children in foster care to be given at their annual Christmas Party and to the foster families in need of extra support through the holidays. Toys should be new and unwrapped.

CHS has provided a list below of suggested items that are age-appropriate.

0-Teethers: Soft blocks/balls, rattles, activity mats, musical/light-up toys

1-3: Stacking toys, music toys, bath toys, mega blocks, wooden puzzles

4-6: Baby dolls, cars sets, play-doh, plastic food & dishes, dinosaurs

7-9: Barbies, action figures, board games, Lego sets, remote control cars, farm animal sets, craft kits
10-14: Sport balls, craft sets, science sets, games, fidget toys
15-17: Bath & body sets, earphones, makeup, jewelry, nail polish sets, ring lights with phone stands, basketballs, skate board, themed tall socks

Week 3 - Dec. 3rd - Coin Drive


Gather up loose change, cash or bring a business donation to give to this compassionate cause.

Airborne Kids will have the opportunity to participate
by bringing their coins in an offering parade during Sunday service – a well loved tradition at Airborne Church.

Christmas Cash for Kids
a local non-profit program in its 18th year of providing Christmas gifts to *children in critical need in our community. And this is Airborne’s 17th year of participating with them!

(*Children in critical need are identified by the local DHHR)

Week 4 - Dec. 10TH - FOOD DRIVE


Help us fill CCAP’s pantry which provides emergency food to low income and under served residents in our community.
A list of the most needed items are below:

-16 oz jars grape jelly

-16-18 oz creamy peanut butter

-Dry cereals (all sizes & varieties)

-Canned vegetables 15 oz

-Hamburger, Tuna, Chicken Helpers, pasta sides

-Spaghetti sauce (Non-breakable containers)

-Canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken, spam)

-Canned pastas (16 oz Ravioli, Spaghetti-o’s)

-Flour, sugar, coffee (ground & instant), tea bags

-Cooking oil, mayo/salad dressing, ketchup/mustard