sundays at 10am

We are excited to welcome you home to Airborne Church for ONE Live service at 10am this Sunday! We hope you can join us in person for a safe, secured and sanitized worship experience.

Here’s what to expect:
- Airborne Traffic Control will make it easy to find a great parking spot.
- Friendly Airborne Hosts will welcome you and answer any questions.
- Refuel Espresso Bar is powered up and ready for you.
- Our Airborne Kids Team will provide excellent care and education for the littles up through 5th grade.
- Airborne currently offers ONE 70 minute worship service that includes live music and a 30 minute message that can also be enjoyed ONLINE via this website, Facebook or YouTube.
Stay tuned for the return of 2 SUNDAY SERVICES this fall.
* Covid policy: Masks are voluntary